With the last day of registration for DrupalCamp NJ 2022 soon approaching, here is what you will be missing if you decide to miss out on an exciting day at Princeton University.
9:00 am to 10:00 am – Breakfast, Networking and Registration
Location: Brush Gallery
10:00 am to 10:15 am – Opening Remarks
Location: McDonnell Hall – A01
10:30 am to 11:15 am – Drupal Project Estimation, for Fun and Profit: They will discuss the mysterious art of software estimation, drawing both from classic literature and from their experience of over a decade in Drupal development at Evolving Web. They will also show their basic Drupal estimation spreadsheet model, which takes as inputs various factors such as the number of content types, number of expected pages, content migration, and other Drupal specific parameters.
Location: Jadwin Hall – A10
Presenters: Alex Dergachev and Rukmini Halliwell
10:30 am to 11:15 am – Planning a conference is hard enough. Building a promotional site for your event doesn’t have to be!: From booking speakers to managing both virtual and physical locations to coordinating food and logistics, event planning is a challenge. But with the right Content Types and Layout Builder styles, showcasing all those details before and after the actual event should be the easy part.
Location: Jadwin Hall – A06
Presenters: Jessica Monaco and Brian Osborne
10:30 am to 11:15 am – Drupal.org GitLab Acceleration Update: The team behind Drupal.org began a study of developer tools in 2017, migrated the backend services to GitLab in 2019, and has ramped up to enable merge requests for the project in 2020. Now they are working on making GitLab CI available and using GitLab for issues. They are not taking the tools right off the shelf, they are tuning them to the Drupal community’s collaboration style. The session will review their observations of the way the Drupal community collaborates, and talk about how that is informing the integration of GitLab into the Drupal community’s workflow.
Location: Jadwin Hall – A08
Presenters: Neil Drumm
10:30 am to 11:15 am – How Bryn Mawr Uses Group for Access Management: In February 2022, Bryn Mawr College migrated its website of more than 10,000 nodes and more than 350 users from Drupal 7 to Drupal 9. In Drupal 7, Bryn Mawr relied on the Organic Groups ecosystem to manage content access and menus. In Drupal 9, they switched to the Group module. This session will describe how they configure the Group. It will also describe the views, VBOs, form alters, event subscribers, and other customizations they implemented to overcome some of Group’s pain points to make it work for them.
Location: Jadwin Hall – A09
Presenters: Michael Harris
11:30 am to 12:15 pm – Drupal loves Composer, and you can love it too!: The session will cover the basics and not so basics of composer, including creating a composer project, adding dependencies to your project, using composer repositories, composer scripts, composer.json vs composer.lock, dealing with merge conflicts when using composer, dealing with dependencies resolution problems, working with some popular composer plugins and additional composer configuration items.
Location: Jadwin Hall – A10
Presenters: Kevin Porras
11:30 am to 12:15 pm – Evaluating the Landscape of Drupal Competition: This presentation tears down competitors in an attempt to better understand its overlap with Drupal. How does Drupal differentiate? What opportunities exist for Drupal to become more competitive? It also takes a high level look at Drupal as a product by performing a SWOT analysis. Concepts like low/no-code, configurability, data modeling, APIs, and developer experience will be explored.
Location: Jadwin Hall – A06
Presenters: Adam Bergstein
11:30 am to 12:15 am – Security in Drupal: what can go wrong?: The OWASP Top Ten is an industry standard list of the most common vulnerabilities that can affect web sites. This session will start with an overview of the Top Ten, and then take a more detailed look at a few of these vulnerabilities. The session will review some actual Drupal security advisories like what the vulnerability looks like, how the Drupal security team communicates the problem and the code that was updated to fix the problem.
Location: Jadwin Hall – A08
Presenters: Benji Fisher
11:30 am to 12:15 am – Improving Data Access and Editorial Experience for the Center for American Women and Politics: The Center for American Women and Politics recently launched 2 Drupal websites that fulfill a long held goal of providing greater access to their data on women officeholders. This presentation will talk about these 2 projects, including the challenges and successes of each. They will also discuss strategies for design, site architecture, migrations, and how to leverage core, contrib, and custom modules to build interconnected digital experiences.
Location: Jadwin Hall – A09
Presenters: Jessica Bladon and Sean T. Walsh
12:15 pm to 1:45 pm – Lunch
Location: Brush Gallery
1:45 pm to 2:30 pm – Any Content Site can be Migrated to Drupal: I’ll show you How: In this session, Jorge Diaz from Evolving Web, will present how 5 completely different websites were migrated (and even integrated) to/with Drupal. He will go into detail from the original legacy website to the final and end product.
Location: Jadwin Hall – A10
Presenters: Jorge Diaz
1:45 pm to 2:30 pm – Using Vue.js to create rich, interactive content listings: This session introduces an alternative solution to using View Module by using Vue.js, a Javascript framework that has exploded in popularity in recent years. The session will provide a brief introduction to Vue.js and walk through some ways it can be used to create advanced content filtering interfaces using Drupal and other data sources. The session will also explain the high level concepts, show code snippets, and demonstrate how it has been used on several projects.
Location: Jadwin Hall – A06
Presenters: Brian Osborne
1:45 pm to 2:30 pm – Schema.org Blueprints for Drupal: The Drupal community’s current approach is to create a site using varying practices and then define the Schema.org types on top of the ‘custom’ content architecture. The Schema.org Blueprints module turns this current Schema.org-last approach around and explores what a site creation experience would look like if we take a Schema.org-first approach to building a site’s content architecture leveraging Schema.org’s schemas for structuring data.
Location: Jadwin Hall – A08
Presenters: Jacob Rockowitz
1:45 pm to 2:30 pm – Optimizing Design Systems in Drupal: Please join FFW Director of Solutions Ray Saltini and Lead Content Designer Amanda Konopko for an energetic and opinionated conversation about how your team can play a more strategic and proactive role creating outstanding experiences and results with design systems, including understanding Design System evolution and maturity, measuring Design System success, accelerating enterprise-wide adoption, real world examples and case studies and tools for leveraging Design Systems within Drupal.
Location: Jadwin Hall – A09
Presenters: Amanda Konopko and Ray Saltini
2:45 pm to 3:30 pm – User Experience: How to Make Design Decisions that are Data-Driven, User-Centric, and Stakeholder-Influenced: This session will cover user research techniques, the benefits and pitfalls of allowing analytics to dictate design and content decisions, recommendations about KPIs to focus on, to make using your analytics data less overwhelming, getting the most value out of stakeholder input and the dangers of design by committee and combining different research and requirements gathering methods into a coherent web strategy.
Location: Jadwin Hall – A10
Presenters: Suzanne Dergacheva
2:45 pm to 3:30 pm – Still excited about Drupal and why you should be too: Let’s take a look at where we’re headed, some practical ways you can get involved, and why you should be excited about the future of Drupal too.
Location: Jadwin Hall – A06
Presenters: Le’Rhone Walker
2:45 pm to 3:30 pm – Getting Ready for Automatic Updates in Drupal core: Automatic Updates is now a soon to be stable contrib module in Drupal core and is planned to be added to one of the first releases of Drupal 10. This session will help you familiarize yourself with this module and how it can be used to help you keep your Drupal sites secure.
Location: Jadwin Hall – A08
Presenters: Ted Bowman
2:45 pm to 3:30 pm – Metadata for SEO and Social Media: Whether you have a qualified Quality Assurance Engineer who knows SEO or not, this session will help you understand fundamental practices and processes that can save time and make your team’s workload more manageable while ensuring the highest standards. We’ll focus on what needs to be tested to guarantee the best metadata for your website.
Location: Jadwin Hall – A09
Presenters: Olga Kashchenko
3:45 pm to 4:30 pm – Regression testing with BackstopJS, Playwright, and SiteDiff: For small projects, usually we maintain a small test suite and run it manually on each deployment. This is time-consuming and not error-proof, and doesn’t scale up well for big projects where there’s a lot of content that is impacted by module upgrades or content migrations. This is where automated testing tools are essential. This session will discuss some use-cases for using SiteDiff and Playwright to automate regression tests.
Location: Jadwin Hall – A10
Presenters: Alex Dergachev and Robert Ngo
3:45 pm to 4:30 pm – Introducing the Event Registration Module: Event Registration powered by Drupal Commerce: The Event Registration module is a new module for Drupal 9, which combines the Event module with Drupal Commerce. This module is being created to bridge the gap between commerce and managing events within Drupal, without the complex setup of previous implementations. The event will cover some of the alternatives and motivations for the module and cover basic setup of the module and how its used within a build. It will also cover the setup of the Event Registration module including the basic configuration of Drupal Commerce and the Event module.
Location: Jadwin Hall – A06
Presenters: Rich Gerdes
3:45 pm to 4:30 pm – Build Back Better – with the Migrate API: The Migrate API in Drupal 8+ is a robust, flexible way for bringing data into Drupal. This session looks at several examples: what can be done and how to do it with the Migrate API.
Location: Jadwin Hall – A09
Presenters: Benji Fisher
4:30 pm to 5:15 pm – Closing Remarks
Location: McDonnell Hall – A01
5:15 pm to 8:00 pm – After Party
Location: Lewis Library Atrium
For more information and registration visit: